Susan Boyle has made headlines all over the world! The 48-year old Scottish from Blackburn turned heads just last month at a programme called Britain's Got Talent when she performed I Dream a Dream. Unassuming in character, Ms Boyle has definitely inspired and tugged the hearts of hundreds of millions around the world.
After recently performing Memory this past week, talent judge Simon Cowell apologised for laughing at her a month ago when she first set foot on stage. Instead of commenting negatively, she shrugged her shoulders and brushed the topic aside. This one simple act to date has been viewed by a hundred million people throughout the world. Maybe she's aware of the impact she's made, maybe she's not. But it's a reminder of how God can use us wherever we are, in any situation, to reflect His love and compassion! How have we been God's channel at the workbench? At home? In class? To our neighbours? To those whom we are not aware of, but are watching our every move?
During the outpouring of he Holy Spirit this weekend, let us allow ourselves to be truly renewed and also to be guided on how we use technology to spread the Good News!
Come Holy Spirit, Come!
Click here for the YouTube link.
by AT