Alleluia Christ is Risen!
Welcome to a whole new catechetical experience at the Singapore Pastoral Institute (SPI). This blog is for anyone teaching the Catholic faith or for anyone interested in catechesis. Fr Erbin, Christi Disher, Alvin Tan and myself, Linda Heng, invite you to discover for yourself what ECHO has in store for you. Feel free to bookmark this page, follow this blog or make comments about the posts as we journey together the pilgrimage of faith sharing.
Each time we upload a post, a code will appear to give you a gist of what that post is about. There are three broad general categories for us to get familiar with.

CHURCH covers all posts pertaining to articles & stories and the church, seasons, sacraments, etc.

CLASS APPLICATIONS focuses on classroom techniques, lesson ideas & activities, and sharing of experiences dealing with children, teens, parents and fellow catechists.

Finally, NEW IN TOWN updates us on events, seminars, and catechetical related programmes happening around the island.
Till the next post... Blessed Easter!